Friday, February 09, 2007

hasta la vista

Computer OS wars. Bill Gates has hurt feelings about Apple's PC-Mac ads. Especially the ones that poke fun about the difficulty people will have with upgrading to Vista, including the method used to implement security. He claims it was Apple that stole all the great features now being released in Vista. He says that the Mac is cracked every day, and brags that Vista was built with security in mind. Numerous articles and blogs have already shredded the Mac exploit statement. It was really an odd statement to make.

Steve Jobs put out an open letter about digital music. He states that there are three things Apple and the RIAA could do; keep things as they are (purchased music from iTunes retains the FairPlay DRM), license FairPlay to other vendors, or simply drop DRM on downloaded music. He says the second one won't happen, since it would be too hard to work with many other companies with the DRM code and keep it secret. He clearly feels dropping DRM would be the best solution for the recording industry and consumers alike. Should be interesting how this plays out.

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