Sunday, February 11, 2007

time passages

We visited the newest member of the family today, my youngest sister's new baby boy. It's always wonderful to see new life. And it always makes me reflect about my children, how fast time seems to have gone now that they are almost 17 and almost 21.

On top of this, my wife and I celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary tomorrow as well. It all seems so fast! What is it about the passage of time? It seems so slow when you're young, and then moves so fast when you get into that late middle-aged time frame. My wife and I have both been thinking about the fact, that all other things being equal, we are facing the downward slope of life. It's hard not to think of accomplishments, of legacies. Have we done enough? Could we have done things differently? What's the best way to proceed from here for our careers, day to day work life? Can we find a better balance?

Always something to work on.
Hear the echoes and feel yourself starting to turn
Don't know why you should feel that there's something to learn
It's just a game that you play

-Al Stewart, Time Passages

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