Thursday, February 08, 2007

End of a season

I've felt a little lost this week. Not because of work...actually getting caught up with things there, including getting a manuscript submitted yesterday. It's season is over, at least for the select team by son plays for that I co-coach. We lost in the quarterfinals of the state tournament for mid-level select teams. We should have won! Actually, if we had won or tied our last divisional game (after winning the first two) we would have stayed at home for the quarterfinals and played a bit of a weaker opponent. As it was, we had to travel down to Vancouver (~170 miles), many of us the night before, play on a sub-optimal field. Close game, we couldn't hit open shots, and at 1-1 with less than 10 minutes left, the center ref called a handball on one of our players in our penalty box. PK, and that was the game. I know refereeing is hard, but damn, it was not a call you make in a close game...there was no intent on the player to touch the ball (a point blank cross, that hit his elbow besides), and it gave them the game.

So, I'm lost because now there are no practices or games to look forward to for awhile. It really is a lot of fun, and we had/have a team of quality young men. My son starts high school soccer in a few weeks, and then we have tryouts for the summer/fall/winter club team in a month. One more year, and then my son graduates. I will miss it once it's over. I've been doing this for 11 years!

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