Sunday, January 28, 2007

funerals, hopefully the last for awhile

Yesterday we traveled to the other side of the state for the funeral of my wife's cousin. It was a beautiful day to cross the Cascade Mountains. There's been a tremendous amount of snow this winter; I'm not sure if I've ever crossed the pass when there's been that much snow. But the road was clear and the sun was shining, although it was as cold as 16 F just on the east side of the pass.

The funeral was in a small funeral home. A lot of tears, some quiet, some not. The man had a lot of family and friends from different parts of the state. It was hard to see the pain and sorrow on the faces of his mother, stepfather, and daughter (16 years old), other family (and of course my wife and mother in law), his many childhood and current friends. He had served in the Marines, and there was an honorary color guard, some made up of contemporaries when he served, a couple of active servicemen. It was complete with a 9 gun salute, Taps, and presentations of the American flag to his mother, daughter, and significant other.

After the funeral, we traveled back towards the mountains to a small town where my wife had lived for a time with her grandmother, in fact right across the street in the community hall behind the fire station. There was a reception, food and stories about him. The community hall has been there for decades, and it looked like some of the photos of local sports teams went back to the 1940's. In fact, my wife's grandmother had once served as president of this club years ago. Anyway, even though coming to small town like this sometimes feels like a movie, it felt right.

During the funeral, three songs important to the man were played (from CDs), including the Eagle's live version of Desparado. It got me thinking about what songs I might want played. I just told my son that a song called "Icarus" by one of my favorite groups of the 70's and 80's Kansas (still and active band) is one I'd like played. I'm not sure how well it would go over; after all it's a rock anthem. But the words are relatively appropriate.

Early in the morning sunlight
Soaring on the wings of dawn
Here I'll live and die with my wings in the sky
And I won't come down no more

Higher than a bird I'm flying
Crimson skies of ice and fire
Borne on wings of steel I have so much to feel
And I won't come down no more

Sail on, sail on, I will rise each day to meet the dawn
So high, so high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky
Without my wings you know I'd surely die
I found my freedom flyin' high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky

Floating on a cloud of amber
Searching for the rainbow's end
Earth so far below me,
I'm here alone, free
I can't come down no more

Why not?! It would be my funeral!

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