Tuesday, February 17, 2009

<strike>still</strike> no longer left hanging...

It's hardly worth mentioning...I've gotten unofficial word that the national director will not name a director at the center I was applying to, and will instead let the current search lapse (and a quick look at USAJobs indicates this is what happened). What this mean is that it will have to be reopened for competition. Whether I would reapply or not is dependent on feedback. From the bits and pieces I've heard, it's very political there right now. Very frustrating. While I respect the folks at the center very much, I do wish more of an attempt had been made to let the finalists know just what the heck was going on.

In the meantime, I'm still waiting to hear whether I'll get an interview for the faculty position in Marine Genomics there. I was told last Thursday that the larger selection committee was going to decide on who to interview in the last batch of candidates. I assume the outcome of this will depend much on the recommendation of the chair of the search committee, who's the one who heard my seminar and encouraged me to apply.

I'm getting tired of the waiting and uncertainty. It's wearing, and mentally pulls me in different directions. The constant thinking about it usually results in increasing the level of frustration I have with my current situation. Yet, I sometimes even feel guilty about that since I do have a very well-paid and secure job, nothing to complain about any time and especially now!

addendum 2/18/09
It's official now, in the sense I've talked to the chair of the search committee and got his off the record comments. The way it was handled by higher ups was terrible in his mind (and mine). And I know the names of those who mishandled things (confirmed by the retired director).

The chair of the search told me I might be lucky...and that I may not be as suited for this particular administrative position as I would be for the faculty position I was recruited to apply for. Still waiting on word about that, whether I'll get an interview or not. More still yet to come.

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