Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stiff 'Em

From Joe Klein at Time: Swampland (fast becoming my favorite political opinion writer), discussing Republicans in Congress and the newly passed stimulus package:

Politics 101 dictates the following: They should pay the price for their latter-day Hooverism. As little money as humanly, legally possible should go to their districts... 

I've just spent a few weeks outside the country and, when you take a step away from the media maelstrom, the overwhelming impression is the sheer volume and severity of the problems that the country and the world--and our new President--are facing right now. This is a global crisis. A great many people are being hurt badly...

...we should also take careful note of those who have opposed these programs--especially those who have done so for cynical, political reasons Their braying, and playing of Aerosmith songs, seems inappropriate, tone-deaf and puerile, at a moment of real pain and fear.

(Via TIME: Swampland)

It seems to me, and I think to many many Americans, that the lockstep GOP members are running an orchestrated strategy to be as difficult as possible with Obama. Yet they know darn well that they'll take whatever money from the stimulus package that comes the way of their state and congressional districts. There is a real urgency in getting things going, whether it be getting TARP completed, the provisions in the stimulus package, and the bad mortgage buyouts.

This is bad, and can really get worse. Action is needed to restore public confidence and it has to be done fast. Yet all the republicans (now with a small r) can do is to continue to parrot their tired, worn out, and failed "only tax cuts will work" mantra, and try to drag things out so that failure can (in their deluded minds) be pinned on the Dems. Do they (ever) have any new ideas, any innovative solutions?

Not lately. And at this rate not any time soon. Our best hope at restoring public confidence and trust now sits in the White House.

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