Monday, November 17, 2003


I've decided to try to enforce a little self discipline here and only try to write when I have something somewhat intelligent to say. One way to facilitate this is to call this page "Home" that will include anything general (state of the state, politics, general bullshit), along with two side blogs for science or computer-related thougts. Their links will be located at the upper right of the page.

And someday I'll think of a better title for all of's so hard to not make it too generic yet so simple to make it sound totally banal.

Speaking of blogs, an essay on NPR by Scott Simons the other day kind of put blogs into perspective. Inane, sad, whatever. The take home message is that most ordinary days in someone's life does not make great literature. The other is that good writing is really a profession, and not an easy one at that.

So true.

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