Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The process continues

The process with the MUSC/CoEE Endowed Chair of Marine Genomics position continues. About a month ago I was asked to supply references. This was the next step in the process and signals I'm still in the running (the search committee could have said thanks but no thanks at this stage). I am fortunate in that I was able to assemble 4 top notch people and very well-known scientists in the field to do this for me. All were enthusiastic to provide letters of recommendation, telling me that it sounded like the perfect position for me.

I do know that the final candidate is giving his seminar tomorrow (I now have my supportive spies in Charleston!). On paper, he's a very impressive scientist (lots of publications), with a moderately sized lab at the U. Florida where he heads a "Center for Genome Research." With a research focus on genomics/genetics and biophysiology of a sea slug, it will be interesting to hear how the medical school search committee views his research. It all depends on what they want, but of course, I know that HML, and the program within MUSC where the successful candidate will be a member, really need a microbiologist!

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