Monday, January 19, 2009

The Inauguration is almost here

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's inauguration of President Obama. Truly an historic day in our country.

The challenges to his administration and our country are tremendous. The economy is teetering between bad recession and depression. Jobless rates are approaching 10%. We have record deficits. Our often failed foreign policies, our influence on the rest of the world, our very moral authority, are questioned and our acts as a country have been questionable.

Obama and his team have impressed the majority of the American population with their intelligence, preparation, and planning. They will be hitting the ground running. He's picked a tremendous cabinet. The expectations are high, and things really may get worse before getting better. But for a change we have a President who is not only giving hope, but also challenging all of us to be part of the solution. Public service is being openly encouraged at the highest levels.

I can't wait until tomorrow.

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