Friday, February 22, 2008

the end of my third browser

As quoted from Slashdot, it's the end of the line for Netscape.

Netscape Finally Put Down: "Stony Stevenson writes to point out that Netscape has finally reached end of line with the release of version A pop-up will offer users the choice of switching to Firefox, Flock, or remaining with the dead browser, but no new updates will be released. 'Nearly 14 years after the once mighty browser made its first desktop appearance as Mosaic Netscape 0.9, its disappearance comes as little surprise. Although Netscape accounted for more than 80 per cent of the browser market in 1995, the arrival of Microsoft's Internet Explorer in the same year brought stiff competition and surpassed Netscape within three years.'

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

I used Mosaic and Lynx (text only) before Netscape, but then it came along as the first, I believe, "commercial" browser. it was the best for awhile. But later versions sucked on Macs, and even IE was a better choice for the longest time. After the transition to Mac OS X, I used early versions of Omniweb before settling on Safari (with occasional dalliances with Firefox). The sale to AOL killed innovation in the browser....I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

BusySync 2.0 Will Sync iCal with Google Calendar

BusySync 2.0 Will Sync iCal with Google Calendar: "BusySync makes iCal work the way it ought to work right out of the box.

(Via Clippings.)

I installed BusySync a few days ago to get my calendars syncing again. I still use Entourage's calendar, but had figured out a few years ago how to get a WebDav server running on my work desktop and use it to sync an iCal calendar. Kind of convoluted, but any new addition to Entourage would use sync services to add the same event to iCal. And then, to sync my laptop calendar, I'd vpn into my work network, let the two iCals sync, and that was it.

But then the WebDav server config I had going broke after my Leopard upgrade. During the conversion to BusySync, I dumped all calendar entries into iCal from Entourage. That's when I found thousands of old entries back in 2001-2003 that never auto deleted. In fact there were only about a dozen unique entries, with hundreds to thousands each. This was obviously due to bad syncing (I suspect my Palm Tungsten); all were repeating events anyway. Once I manually deleted all of these, sync services did it's magic to sync everything between iCal and Entourage, and Busy Sync does it's thing between two Macs over the internet.