Monday, January 15, 2007

sure I want one, but...

Yes, the new iPhone is more than I expected Apple to come out with. And yes, I want one. And yes, I need a new phone and I'd be willing to switch from Verizon to Cingular to get one (although I do have the problem of having two of our four family plan phones still under contract). Actually I more than likely will be switching to Cingular (the new AT&T) anyway since Verizon service sucks at the house and I know Cingular works. In fact I've been thinking about getting a so-called smart phone for quite awhile. And the iPhone is, what else can I say, very cool and would be very fun to have.

But in the end, I'm not sure I really need it. I have two iPods and am not one to listen to music wherever I go (but that is one cool interface). Watching short videos might be fun but wouldn't use it too much. On the go email would be nice, especially for work email (which is IMAP), but I end up getting a lot of large Word attachments that the iPhone cannot open (at least yet), so for all practical purposes I'm still tied to a laptop or desktop for email. Text messaging? Only occasional use. I would use the calendar and address book (I'd have to wean myself off of Entourage and move to iCal and Address Book), and the phone itself seems so easy and powerful to use. So maybe what I really need is a decent but less expensive cell phone that will synch contacts and calendars (Entourage or iCal/Address Book) with my Macs; I've even heard of one or two.

But (sigh....) I still want an iPhone.

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