Sunday, January 07, 2007

trying to get things done

I've been working hard lately trying to get myself better organized, mostly mentally. I'm writing a new grant proposal, but mostly I stare at the pages I've written, or distract myself with other things to do (or not do). Many of my distractions are real, that is, they are things I must do, respond to, etc. But many are not, and could be put off until later. Sort of like this.

During the past couple of weeks, I've been reading some stuff about Getting Things Done (GTD), a book and task philosophy marketed by David Allen. Actually, I first heard about this through listening to MacBreak Weekly, a TWIT podcast, specifically from contributor Merlin Mann, and his blog. I haven't spent too much time incorporating any major changes into my own work style yet, although I did spend some time this past week organizing my desk and office, filing, etc., basically clearing the decks. Part of the GTD plan is to come up with a system where you really can focus on a major task for long enough to accomplish whatever it is you need to accomplish. I've always been more of a last minute type of person, letting panic carry me through completing a task that didn't need to wait until the last minute.

Like writing my grant proposal.....which I will now get back to for awhile!

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