Wednesday, June 07, 2006

random thoughts

So many things running through my head.

The morass that is Iraq has more or less degenerated into a Civil War.

  • Bombs, suicide bombers, Iraqis killing Iraqis, students pulled off of buses and executed.
  • Over 2500 American deaths. Close to 10 times that in injuries, many of them severe, amputations, limbs lost, brain injuries, and lots of PTSD.
  • I can no longer see how any exit strategy has a chance of working.

The state referendum to repeal a state law banning discrimination based on sexual orientation failed miserably (and thankfully) to gain enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. Thank God, and here's hoping that Tim Eyman just goes away. He truly is a horse's ass (which is actually denigrating to horses). We can only hope he now just goes away.

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