Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Spreading freedom

Today in Iraq, the U.S. military experienced the most deaths in one day since the war started. Thirty one were killed in a helicopter crash and another six were killed in battles with insurgents or from roadside bombs [CNN article]. The President says this was a tragic day but it "is the long-term objective that is vital, and that is to spread freedom." In another press conference, the President didn't even mention the helicopter crash--he just focused on the upcoming election in Iraq [NY Times].

I know we can't turn back from our responsibilities in Iraq. It's just so hard not to be angry at this administration for getting us into this morass for such spurious reasons. No WMD. Plenty of IED (improvised explosive devices). We are no longer just protecting America from terrorism, but we're now hell bent on spreading (forcing?) democracy on everyone, everywhere. In the meantime, our national debt is increasing drastically and there will be a price to pay, soon.

As the federal debt increases, the dollar will drop. As the dollar drops, interest rates will rise. As interest rates rise, the economy will begin to stagnate, particularly when inflation hits. And we all become poorer. Yet, we are passing permanent tax cuts that benefit the rich and corporate coffers while doing little for everyone else.

But as the Great Communicator says, this is good.

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