Wednesday, October 27, 2004

NY Times Endorses Kerry for President

I hadn't seen this earlier but the NY Times has endorsed John Kerry for President in an October 17 editorial. I think it's the most comprehensive and cogent list of arguments why the Bush Presidency has been nothing short of disasterous for the country and why Kerry has the ability and wherewithal to be a very effective and strong Commander-In-Chief. The Bush economic policies of tax cuts and more tax cuts (mostly for the wealthy and large corporations), combined with tremendous increases in spending and the war in Iraq, has made our country vulnerable.

Spending on education is down, Homeland security is not even close, civil liberties have been degraded, the American military is stretched to the breaking point, science is underfunded and abused, and the environment is being raped. This has truly been four years of ineffecutual leadership. People appointed to power like Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Wolfewitz are ideologues of the worst order, with agendas that only pay lip service to American values of truth, freedom, and civil liberties.

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