Thursday, March 04, 2004

Now the campaign begins...

John Kerry all but wrapped up the Democratic nomination by almost sweeping Super Tuesday's primaries last Tuesday. It's been expected for several weeks now, but even before the end of Tuesday, Republican attack ads started. Not that Democrats haven't been doing the same thing (but they're just right).

Pres. Bush and his Dept. of Labor are planning to reclassify mostly minimum wage fast food jobs as manufacturing jobs. that would show a nice bump in the stats for jobs in the manufacturing sector. I know that fast food sometimes tastes like it's made out of wood, but this might be going a little far.

I saw one of the new Bush commercials tonight. The one that uses the images of 9/11. Even before seeing it and only hearing it on the radio, I thought this was disgusting. Tonight I saw it...if I had had a loved family member or a friend lost in that attack, I would be disgusted over the blatant usage of this tragedy for political gain. As it is, while I'm not surprised that the RNC would sink to such a level, I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Watch out for the stampede of attack ads.

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