Saturday, September 27, 2003

Apple Stores

This has got to be one of the most mixed up blogs around. I still can't on a consistent theme.

Anyway, today I'll focus on things Macintosh. The new Apple Store opened in University Village last night. I decide to drive down to check it out and maybe get the free T-shirt that was given to the first 1000 visitors. I just missed getting one--if I'd only been there 5 minutes earlier. There were several people coming out with more than one, but I'm sure they went in with someone! Anyway, it's good looking store--I had thought it might be two floors since the sport store that occupied the space previously had one. But it's on a single floor, displays of all the models, components of the digital lifestyle, and so on. The new 15 inch Powerbook looks great--it now has the same aluminum case that the 12 and 17 inch models have. All ports for plugging in USB, Firewire 400 and 800, video adapters and so on are located on the sides instead of the back. This part is not as clean looking as my Titanium but it does look easier to plug things into it.

But what I'm really "lusting" after is the new dual 2 GHz Power Mac G5. I'm thinking that I might get this with the genome grant. Hey, I'll need something fast for all that annotation and my dual 450 G4 is getting on in years (well, 2 anyway). Of course I could just upgrade the G4 to a dual 1.2 GHz G4 with an after market processor. These are pretty fast too. We'll see!

Oh, one more thing. It looks like the lamotrigine is working in controlling my focal seizures. They stopped a week ago after the dosage was increased to a new level. So far so good!

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