Sunday, August 17, 2003

Where has IT been?

Is the MSBlast worm slowing down? CNet reports it is but that it may not be done [CNET]. I can understand home users not necessarily keeping up to date on all the patches their systems might need to prevent problems like this. But I was floored by the fact that it wasn't until Friday that my parent organization (at the national as well as local level) didn't act to ensure all Windows computers were patched until late Friday (Aug. 15). When I checked work voice and email Saturday morning, there was a flood of messages regarding this--basically all machines had to be pulled from the network until the patches were applied. Come on! This patch was available for over a month. Where has the NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT IT team been?

Oh, and how did MS protect itself from the SYN flood scheduled for Saturday by the worm? They pulled the server ( off the network! Now that's a patch.

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