Thursday, July 31, 2003

A poll released Monday in suggests that the American public continues to support NASA and the space shuttle program []. 68% agree that the shuttle should continue to fly with a higher number yet agreeing that we should continue to send humans into space. Yes, there have been two horrific accidents in the shuttle's history, but most people realize that there will always be risks in space flight. We're a long ways from Star Trek. The investigation into the Columbia accident will result in significant safety changes, and indeed it will be safer. But even if NASA and all the top engineers and scientists in the world think they've carefully assessed every risk, there's always the chance that something, the unexpected, will be missed. We're not where we are by not taking risks.

I've always been a sucker for space flight in general, ever since the Mercury days. The Right Stuff is one of my all time favorite books and movies. I still remember where I was when Armstrong and Aldrin set down on the moon. I've been to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington DC three times--and it's the same exhibit!

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