Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm not going anywhere... least not now. Early last week the oh so very formal "form" arrived in the mail. Just a standard HR form with several lines that could be checked, depending on the purpose of the communication. The line "you were found to be qualified for the position but another candidate has been selected" was checked. No phone call, no feedback. I suppose I could call or email. However, my supervisor (who knew I was interviewing and knows many of the principles) is attending a meeting this week where many of them will be. Maybe I'll hear something through him. Oh, and yeah, it did go to the inside candidate. But he is well qualified.

Would I have gone? Even though I knew it was a long shot, I pretty much had decided that I would probably have taken the plunge. My wife was willing. Time to get my mind back on things here.

Now, we really have to focus on our kids graduating and getting my son to pick a school. One he likes has a soccer program he could probably contribute to, and the coach likes him. It's a very conservative evangelical Christian school a couple of hundred miles away. We have no problem with 99% of the school curriculum and mission. However, one major tenet is the believe that sexual immorality includes homosexuality, and that is a belief that we do not accept. Both my wife and I have had gay friends who are very moral, it's not even a view I've ever considered to be acceptable. So while it's an easy decision for my wife and I, It's a bit tough on my son because he really wants to go there. I wish we had completely read the mission statement before he applied.