Saturday, May 05, 2007

Weight loss update #2

I didn't take it seriously enough until last weekend. This week I managed a strict caloric-limited diet, staying around 1100/day. Supposedly that's below the "safe" limit of 1200 but I'm feeling fine. If I keep lunch light, and add a granola bar in the afternoon, I've been feeling OK. Night is the toughest since one really bad habit I've had is eating something, yogurt, a dessert, something, after 9 PM. That's the biggest no no right there. I've also been getting back on the treadmill more (finally did move it to the garage), and even though I've been a little sore, 3 miles on it today felt pretty good. Not much speed yet though, that was at 11:08/mi and included some walking. It'll get there if I'm patient and persistent.