Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How do you make sense out of the senseless?

It's been a little over 36 hours since 32 people were murdered at Virginia Tech University. So many young students and professors, shot to death for reasons only truly known to the young man responsible, before he killed himself.


News programs are parading 'experts' in front of the cameras and microphones, all with their theory as to why the 23 year old student decided to take out his anger by killing so many before turning the gun on himself. But can anybody really explain what drives this thought process? I know there are a lot of rational psychological explanations, but none of them can adequately explain what would drive someone to commit such a horrific act of violence.

I've felt an almost overwhelmng sense of sadness today. I'm sure most people in the country feel the same way. As a father of two, one in college and one in high school, it's so easy to imagine what if that's one of your kids. Tears come easily.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Weight loss update

OK, I could be doing a lot better. I've lost five pounds to date, to 188. I got a ways to go, for sure, and only 2 and a half months left.

My goal is to move the treadmill down to the garage where I don't have any excuse not to use it. It's also time to start exercising on the bike trainer.