Monday, March 05, 2007

time to start losing it

Yep, I've been putting this off too long. I need to lose at least 25 pounds. My wife made me a bet....we could keep the new DVR from Comcast that I brought home after we added a new HDTV (our first), if I lose the weight in four months. I'm using a diet calculator on my old Palm Tungsten that figures what your basal caloric intake is based on your weight, age, and activity level. You then tell it how much you want to lose and by when, and it calculates what your daily caloric intake should be. It uses a database of foods containing calories, protein, fat, fiber, carbs...this is so you monitor that you eat the right foods during a diet.

So, today I'm 193 lbs. My basal metabolic rate is ~ 2365 calories. To lose 25 pounds by June 4 my average calorie intake should be 1435 calories.

Day 1 is over and I held myself to 1404 calories!