Thursday, November 30, 2006

random thoughts of the month

November's bullet statements:

  • Democrats take control of the House and Senate for the first time in 12 years (it was interesting being in DC on election night and walking past the White House the day after when final projections wrapped up the Senate for the Dems).

  • We've had the most precipitation in one month in the recorded weather history of Seattle (rain, floods, wind storms, snow storms, quick freezes, and now more rain).

  • What's the difference between sectarian violence and civil war? To me it seems to mean the same thing....countrymen killing countrymen (and woman, and children). I think too many base their idea of civil war on the American one, with armies against armies. "Modern" civil war appears to follow the same definition as terrorism....creating fear to advance a political agenda.

  • Iraq exit strategy? Go long, go strong, or get out?

  • Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld finally is booted. Why did Bush wait so long?!

  • The election results seem to be pushing the Bush Administration towards finally figuring out how to get out of Iraq. The policy now appears to be one of saying that the Iraqis need to figure out how to take care of their own problems. Granted, they existed for a long time under a brutal dictator. But haven't we created the environment that now exists there?

  • I've been reading Bob Woodward's book, State of Denial. Talk about screwups. It's hard not to wonder how things would be if Rumsfeld had been fired a long time ago.

It's almost December 1!