Monday, February 20, 2006

all blogs go stale....

Blogs...blogging...the blogosphere. Pod casting, audio and video. When I was writing more or less regularly (and it's been almost a year), blogs already were pervasive. Now, they are even more so, with many essentially becoming mainstream media. any news, no matter how trivial, is on the web within minutes of an event, with almost as many different opinions and analyses as there are blogs. Reminds me of a book, "Earth", by David Brin. One of the plot devices was what is now the internet and blogs, world wide instant opinion polls on almost any matter.

So, I might start this up again. Sometimes I feel like I have something to say, at least for myself. We'll see if anything comes out of it. Over on the other side, I'l probably start up the again on the more personal category. I intend to start keeping up a running journal on our preparations for our trip to Tanzania this summer.